Team Building

In this fun and simple team building exercise, teams compete against each other in a race with hula-hoops. The team member is given two hula hoops and must always be “inside” the hula hoops, by stepping inside one an lifting the other hula hoop and placing it in front. The participant needs to complete the specified distance, and hand the hula hoops to the next competitor. When all members of that team have finished their turn, that team is the winning team.

A fast paced activity that can be modified to suit age and setting. Each participant gets one gutter or half pipe tubing. The object is to move a marble or assorted size balls using lengths of guttering from point A to point B without dropping them. Outcome: Communication, strategic planning, team work and leadership.

You need to be bold enough to take chances on a route you don’t know, learn from your mistakes and look at what other opponents are doing and do what they do right and avoid what they do wrong. On this activity teams standing on opposites sides, they each need to find or figure out a route which is only known by the facilitator. One person at a time is allowed to take a turn and figure out which is the right block to step into. You step into the wrong block, the whistle will be blown and you go out, then its another team’s turn.

A very power activity that teaches on the importance of asking for HELP. Team members are taken inside a maze which has been created using ropes and while being blind folded ‘individually’ they need to find the ‘end of the maze. It is only the facilitators who know the end of the maze. Get ready to laugh, to be shocked and learn one of the biggest lesson in one’s life.

About 10 meters from the team are all letters of alphabets and teams need to run from a specific point to the letters everyone is standing around the circle which inside are all the letters written on a piece of mat and one person from a team will be inside listening to his/her team mates guiding them to step on the letters. Soon they done they run back and when the last person has crossed the line the facilitator will stock the clock and write the teams time. When all teams are done they are given the score and the team with the least time wins.

Teams are all behind the line and they need to direct the blindfolded member towards their specific colour balls and direct them back to put it inside the bucket. You are not allowed to walk with your blindfolded member, but then directing behind the line. You can imagine having more than 20 or 100 people shouting instructions to the blind folded person all at once, it is ‘chaos’.

At the beginning of the Model Replication team building exercise, the group is divided into teams which will compete against each other. Each team is given the same components of the model they have to build. The model that the teams need to replicate has been pre-made and hidden from view. The object of the exercise is for the teams to replicate this model with the pieces that they have received. Only one member at a time is allowed to go and view the model that must be replicated. The team member then has to come back and explain to the rest of the team what the model should look like. When the team member comes back, another team member is allowed to go and view the hidden model. When all the teams have completed their model, the hidden model is revealed, and the models created by the teams are compared to it. The team whose model looks the most like the hidden model is declared the winner.